Southern ocean waves, wild seas, sunrises, a yellow-tailed black cockatoo and a border-koolie called Magpie.

As autumn fades and winter marches in from the south the air and the ocean get colder, and dark clouds and squall lines become more common than blue skies. Glassy waist-high green waves are replaced by double and triple overhead waves of consequence generated by storms deep in the southern ocean. Marked seasonal variation is … Continue reading Southern ocean waves, wild seas, sunrises, a yellow-tailed black cockatoo and a border-koolie called Magpie.

Waves retrospective 3 (of 3): Victorian West Coast – the Beauty and the Power

As 2023 draws to a close I have been browsing through photos of waves which I took in the last 5-6 years. This post and the two which precede it contain some favourites from my collection of wave photos. Some of the selected images have been published on this blog and on Instagram around the … Continue reading Waves retrospective 3 (of 3): Victorian West Coast – the Beauty and the Power

Strong easterly winds, rough seas, a couple of raptors and sea fog at Apollo Bay

In late November a deep low pressure system 'parked' off south eastern Australia, directing strong SE-E winds over the entire Victorian coastline. The wind at Apollo Bay today was 30kts+ for most of today, and a gust of 43 kts was measured at the harbour. A strong easterly can blow day and night without letting … Continue reading Strong easterly winds, rough seas, a couple of raptors and sea fog at Apollo Bay

Autumn Swell at Little Henty Reef

Morning sun lighting up clean new swell on Little Henty Reef. The swell continued the next day. The two photos following were taken early in the morning at Skenes Creek. While taking photos of waves on the reef at Skenes Creek, this sight to the south caught my eye. It's Henty Reef, or Outer Henty … Continue reading Autumn Swell at Little Henty Reef

Port Campbell SLSC Ocean Swim 2023

An extended summer period without any decent swell in the area ended last Friday when waves like these rolled in along the Victorian west coast. The swell on Saturday wasn't too bad either. Little Henty Reef just off Hayley Point at Marengo (near Apollo Bay) Hayley Point last Friday Port Campbell ocean swimming race on … Continue reading Port Campbell SLSC Ocean Swim 2023