Breaking waves and the remarkable red-necked stints at Little Henty Reef in late winter 2023

Morning light, an offshore wind and solid swell breaking over Little Henty Reef (near Apollo Bay) in late August. Timeless, fleeting, ineffable, awe-inspiring The reef exposed as water sucked out in front of the emerald-lipped wave backlit by the morning sun Photos taken the previous day in the afternoon at the same location Traffic on … Continue reading Breaking waves and the remarkable red-necked stints at Little Henty Reef in late winter 2023

Rainbow Warrior visits Apollo Bay

Rainbow Warrior, the Greenpeace vessel is conducting a campaign against the proposed exploration and drilling for oil in the Great Australian Bight by a multinational energy company. It's on a mission to publicise the beautiful and unique marine environment in the Bight, and the remarkable dangers posed to the Bight and the life in it … Continue reading Rainbow Warrior visits Apollo Bay